

For the Sake of Islam


Send By: Shaheera Fatima

“What’s your final decision Ahmed? You were supposed to tell me today,” Osama asked Ahmed.
“Please Osama try to understand. It’s difficult for me to leave everything just like that.”
“But it won’t be difficult for me to leave you for the one I love the most,” Osama answered, his voice like iron. “I can’t be your friend any more. This is the last day of our friendship. So GOOD BYE for ever.”                                                                                                                                                       “But please listen to me! Why should it effect our friend ship? We will never discuss this matter again. Please don’t forget all the years we have passed together so happily,” pleaded Ahmed.
“I am already ashamed of myself for not recognizing who you really are until now. This is a matter of life and death for me. How can I forget everything just to save our friendship? From now on your path and mine is different. Friendship ends when it starts effecting our religion,” Osama turned and left the room.
Ahmed watched his friend helplessly, his eyes full of tears. Memories of the golden past came to torture him.
“Why are you crying?” the teacher asked the new boy.
“My mom has gone leaving me here all alone,” the five-year old replied innocently.
“All mamas have left their children here. You have to be brave now and make some friends. Osama beta! Let him sit beside you and help him.”
“Yes miss! Come Ahmed, from now on we will be fast friends, Insha’Allah!” Osama helped his new friend wipe his tears.
That was the first day of their friendship and from that day they were known as the “best friends” in their school and then in college. They were seen together always.
“Hey  Ahmed! We’ve been friends for so long now but you’ve never invited me to your home. Whenever we have decided to d combined study it has always been arranged at my home. I’ve never been to your home or met your family.” Both friends were going towards their class.
“Well … it’s just because … because my family is too big while my house is not. We can’t study there properly.”
“O.k, my friend if you say so.” Osama shrugged his shoulders.
Ahmed looked at his friend gratefully. He was really a very good friend.
“Ahmed will you come to the na’at competition in the college auditorium tomorrow?” “Can’t.” “But  why? I am also participating and want you to come and hear me,” Osama said angrily. “Last time too you did not come and I kept waiting for you till the end.”
“Okay, okay, I will try,” Ahmed started thinking of an excuse which would satisfy Osama. “No not ‘try’, you have to come! Otherwise……….”
“Don’t start black mailing me. I said I will try,” Ahmed said with an uneasy laugh.
But the next day Ahmed was absent. Osama decided not to talk to him for the next three days (as a Muslim is not allowed to be angry with another Muslim for more than three days).
For the next three days the whole college was astonished to see both the friends act like the north and south pole of the magnet! Ahmed apologized for not coming to the competition but Osama refused to forgive him.
 At last, after three days Osama hugged his friend and give him a treat for he had won the competition.
“Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh! Osama here,” picking up the phone Osama greeted the caller.
“Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh! I am calling from the hospital. Osama your friend, Ahmed, is injured seriously and has been admitted in the Emergency.” Osama rushed out of the house after asking the name of the hospital.
“How is my friend now? What are the doctors saying? How did the accident happen?” Osama asked breathlessly. “He needs blood at once. Type A+,” a nurse, coming out of the operation theater, told him.
“Take mine. I will give him my blood,” Osama offered quickly.
Ahmed was safe now, but Osama visited him daily. He noticed that Ahmed’s father did not like his visits so he stopped going to the hospital and just called him on his phone to fulfill his farz of “ayadat”.
After three weeks Ahmed was able to attend the college. He thanked Osama for for giving him blood. “I gave the blood to save my friend not you Ahmed! But unfortunately you were my friend admitted there,” Osama replied with a mischievous smile.
“Osama I want to tell you something!” “Carry on, I am listening.”
“Not here! I want you to come to the park at 5 p.m.” “Ok, I’ll be there.”
“Now start speaking,” both were sitting on a bench in the park eating popcorn.
“First promise you will not get angry.” “Is it something serious?”
“Yeah.” “Okay then I will try,” Osama smiled.
“Osama I … I … I am … how can I tell you?” “What’s wrong Ahmed? We are close friends, you can tell me everything.” “I am a Qadiani.”
“Whaaatt??” Osama stood up, his eyes wide with shock.
“I just wanted you to know.”
“How did you keep this a secret for so long?” Anger started building up in Osama.
“I wanted to tell you but I … I didn’t. I thought you would break off our friendship.”
“What do you think? I’m not going to do it now?” Osama fought to control himself. “Look here Ahmed, our Prophet, Rasoolullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم is the last prophet from ALLAH and no one can come after him. It’s all written in Qur'an openly and the Qur'an is the last book revealed by Allah سبحانہ وتعالی. You should think about it and accept the truth which will save you from jahannum. I am giving you three days to think about it. I can never be  friend to a Qadiani,” Osama said in a firm voice.
“Osama please don’t leave me alone! My family will never let me accept Islam. I will be thrown out and then how will I live?”
“If you accept Islam then Allah will arrange everything for you in a way that you can never imagine.”
“But I can’t! How will I live without my parents?”
“Anyway! I am giving you three days to think about it. You have to decide if our friendship will come to an end or not. Bye.”
(to be cont.)

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